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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So, last night was quite eventful...for my phone. Hubs and I decided to watch a movie (Repo was pretty good) while we were eating dinner, and an ass, left my phone in the bedroom. When we finished to movie, I had 7 missed alerts. SEVEN. That's more text and phone action than I usually see in a week. All in one night! Most of the missed alerts were texts, from my BFF Indigo and my other BFF Bambi. Indigo wanted me to know that a certain ghost from the past had gotten in contact with her, as soon as her new relationship status became public. I imagine his thought process went something like " Damn, I remember how awesome Indigo is, and she's single???!! I wonder if I can trick her with charm into paying attention to my penis....hmmmmm" Now, Indi and Casper (as I'll call him) had been in a relationship in the past, and things didn't work out. Mainly because Casper's a ghost and therefore has no substance. So for him to try to weasel his way back into her life makes me grit my teeth a little and contemplate a long drive in the snow to do some damage. To him. Or his car, which ever I can find first. See, as I mentioned before, I love my friends. I try to give good and hilarious advice whenever I can. But when words just won't cut it, dramatic shows of force are sometime needed. Thankfully, Indi isn't as impulsive as I am, so I am NOT driving helter skelter through a blizzard to plant a car bomb. Now...Bambi on the other hand, is going through a nasty breakup a hubs of her own. I've never met him, but the fact that he's giving up one of my favorite people makes me dislike him. Intensely. Bams sent me a text last night, to let me know that she's a magnet for inappropriately aged men, and their silly propositions. Specifically, a 20 something neighbor and an indecent proposal. Have to admit, I lol'd a little bit..replied it was because she's "hawt", (yes, I spelled it that way, don't judge) then we lol'd together. I mean, who doesn't want to be a sex goddess? Come on. You there in the back, I see you. You want to be sexxy too I know it..... Unless he was yucky... then by all means run for the hills.
Oh, the other messages were from my sister! Hooray!!! We had a surprise sleepover party because guess what? It's gonna snow. Again. At this point though I'm like "whatevs, I'm over it." All it means for me at this point is nap time, moving the car later and leaving early to pick up the hubs at the train station. Here's a comic I found that sums up my feelings about winter at this point....

I like how nonchalant the kitty is. Frolic little kitty, frolic.

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